About us

Green Forest First Assembly of God
We are excited about what God is doing here at First Assembly of God in Green Forest, and we hope you will come, be our guest and see firsthand. When you enter into our church you will find a caring, friendly and loving group of people. You will be greeted with a handshake and a smile.
Our Church is a church with a wonderful heritage and a love for people. We were founded in June of 1937, being established by Evangelist Lester Sumrall. You can learn about our beliefs by clicking here
Our History
The General Council of the Assemblies of God (USA), one of the largest Pentecostal denominations in the United States, was organized in 1914 by a broad coalition of ministers who desired to work together to fulfill common objectives, such as sending missionaries and providing fellowship and accountability. Formed in the midst of the emerging worldwide Pentecostal revival, the Assemblies of God quickly took root in other countries and formed indigenous national organizations. The Assemblies of God (USA) is a constituent member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, the world’s largest Pentecostal fellowship. The national headquarters of the Assemblies of God is in Springfield Missouri.